The Journey








Transforming lives of Children &
families through education

The Journey

When I saw and learn that many young children below the age of 11 years in Nigeria are denied education because they are born into a certain economic parentage. I found myself in bed, frustrated and upset because I knew that there were children all around the world but particularly in the so called ‘Oil Rich Nigeria’ who lived daily with bad health, who lived fragile lives in extreme poverty – penniless, but most worrying, will grow up without an education – the most they may hope for is be great street Hawkers.
BBC Hausa editor Jimeh Saleh says the failure in the education system is due to a lack of government funding
“Government funded schools in Nigeria have practically collapsed over the years because of poor funding leaving children from poor homes with nowhere to go but the streets,”
Education may open doors to a brighter future even create new young leaders including presidential material. It was that vision that spurred the school’s Founder/Director to work tirelessly set up this incredibly unique school.